Unlock the best rates for 24/25 season passes starting March 8.
at windham mountain
30 minutes
$16060 minutes
$240One of the trendiest treatment options today, which is performed by trained esthetician using a surgical blade to manually exfoliate dead skin cells from the face. After removing dead skin cells and vellus hair (aka peach fuzz), skin reacts by regulating certain growth factors, like fibroblast and vascular, which stimulate collagen production. Collagen, in turn, improves skin quality and reduces wrinkles, making complexion bright and smooth. Contrary to popular belief, vellus hair, as opposed to terminal hair, will not grow back thicker or darker.
For Reservations :
Please call (518) 310-2729. [email protected]
Alpine Spa at Windham Mountain.
11 Resort Drive, Windham, NY 12496